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TrustYou, feedback platform!

TrustYou was founded in 2008 by a handful of dedicated people who believed in the power to listen and the unexplored opportunities of guest feedback. The company now provides industry-leading feedback solutions for hotels and hospitality businesses worldwide. Trusted by some of the world’s largest travel data providers and global hotel chains, TrustYou has vast experience and a deep understanding of different markets, cultures, and business practices.

TrustYou is the first and only platform to integrate all guest feedback solutions into a single, integrated platform that makes listening to guests easy, powerful, and actionable. The platform unlocks the potential of guest feedback and helps users to:
● Analyze and understand all reviews across the web and make better business decisions.
● Improve operations and increase efficiency with automated reports and tracking valuable KPIs.
● Publish hotel reviews publicly to allow positive feedback to influence bookings and generate more revenue.
● Create extensive opportunities to listen and respond to guests’ needs.
● Improve the guest experience proactively with the ability to hear and respond to issues onsite.

TrustYou’s guest feedback platform easily integrates with other hotel software, such as PMS, CRM, or revenue management systems. Therefore, the data generated by feedback directly impacts operations, performance, and communications, all while supporting hoteliers in their strategic processes and decision-making.

Available with the marketplace Hotel App Store (connectivity called SMX).