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June 6th, 2019

To guarantee the best guest experience, a hotelier needs to be organized and get a quick access to his guest reservation details, in one place, whatever the reservation origin is!

What if your PMS is also your Channel Manager and direct Booking Engine?

All-inclusive software for more performance

As a hotelier, you need a powerful hotel management software. Property Management System, also called PMS, simplifies the over-all hotel management. Combined with other reservation tools, you control rates and room inventory. We talk about tools such as the Booking Engine (online booking system integrated to your website) and the Channel Manager to connect OTAs (Online Travel Agencies). However, this might mean too many subscriptions, accounts and fees. That’s an obstacle for hoteliers who use separated tools!

Exempts your hotel using multiple providers with a 3-in1 system like Misterbooking. Your Channel Manager is completely integrated in your PMS. Your room inventory is automatically synchronized with OTAs and website in real time while your reservations are directly integrated in your PMS planning! You don’t need to have some other intermediary. That sounds great, right?

Misterbooking Features - all you need is inside

Cloud-based to save time and gain efficiency

Cloud-based system allows managing your hotel from any device, everywhere. Misterbooking PMS becomes very comfortable to manage your hotel using 1 connected interface: you can change your inventory, your prices and your room details. All updates are synchronized in real time.

Thanks to consolidated data, you generate reports, watch out your revenue, follow up with your statistics and optimize your occupancy using integrated revenue management features.
All your data are available in your unique interface. You save time and you make decisions quickly.

Within its unique interface, Misterbooking solution must also be able to integrate additional features for early ckeck-in, client’s data base and guest review to offer your guest a greatest experience at your hotel.

Shared working platform for better staff communication

If your PMS is synchronized to your other tools, it becomes your best business ally.

The Misterbooking Cloud PMS offers a shared working environment for your staff members. It is great as information flow better. For example, client details are shared and can be seen by everyone thus your client will receive a more personal welcome. Software performance is essential to improve your reactivity and to focus only on enhancing your guest experience and their happiness.

Your service quality will make the difference!

A unique support service for 3 solutions

Your time is precious, your satisfaction too.

So, you can expect the best from your software provider!

A great hotel management software must offer everything from system maintenance, updates, data recovery and data storage, all included in the service.

Using an all-in-one system allows you to have 1 technical support for your integrated solutions (PMS, Channel Manager, Booking Engine).  At Misterbooking, the key benefit is that you only have one assistance team of experts and dedicated technical staff to make sure you get the maximum value of all your services.

One other great reason to choose an all-inclusive provider? you benefit from a better service quality as you talk to staff members that really understand your hotel needs.

Less providers, less invoices, save money!

The last but not the least benefit of working with a 3-in-1 system provider as Misterbooking is to reduce costs and invoicing. One software, one invoice: you save money as prices are more competitive and you save time.

Hoteliers are today seduced by this new working way.

Focus on your hotel management, your PMS will look after its functioning!

Get in touch with our sales team, Sara and Christelle, by phone +44 (0)20.331.81.713 or by mail sales@www.misterbooking.net.